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    4 In Home decor/ Living/ Matrimonio/ Moodboard/ Party/ Primavera

    My moodboard on wednesday #42 – Rose quartz & Serenity



    Tardi….ma arrivo anch’io a parlare dei colori Pantone 2016 ; come ormai saprete sono rosa quarzo e azzurro serenity, i colori della mia moodboard! Due colori che invitano alla calma e al riposo, delicatissimi! I am arriving… too late …. but I’m arriving to talk about the 2016 Pantone colors;  as you surely already  know these colors are rose quartz and blue serenity, the colors of my moodboard! Two colors that invite to calm and rest, very delicate!

    Perfetti per l’arredo, i suoi complementi, per il tuo outfit e anche come palette per un matrimonio molto chic! Perfect for the interiors, for home complements, for your outfits and even as palette for a very chic wedding!
